Tunç Holding was founded in 1970 by our current Honorary President Mr. Tuncay AZAPHAN. As of this year, turned over half a century and celebrated its 53rd anniversary, Tunç Holding has strengthened its place among Türkiye's most rooted fuel brands with its innovative structure and honesty principles.

It serves with fuel stations at three different places in Istanbul. These are Opet Station on Zeytinburnu Kennedy Street, Shell Station in Bakırköy Florya and Shell Stations in Küçükçekmece Sefaköy. With its subsidiaries in the construction and tourism sectors as well as the fuel sector, Tunç Holding continues its steady contribution to the country and city economy with nearly 100 employees.

Tunç Holding continues its activities under the direction of our Chairman of the Board of Directors Dinçer Azaphan in line with the route drawn by our Honorary and Founding Chairman Tuncay Azaphan.

Dinçer Azaphan was born in 1977 in Bayburt. After his education, he stepped into the business world at a young age. He is the Chairman of the Board of Tunç Holding, one of the strongest brands in the fuel and energy sector.

In December 2018, he married with Ms. Müge Dilek, program manager of Beyaz Tv. Tunç Holding, which is managed by Dinçer Bey with an innovative perspective and honesty principle, has provided employment to thousands of people in its subsidiaries and contributed to the country's economy with its added values.

"Tunç Holding's success for more than half a century
 is based on two grounds; Being open to innovations and honesty.
We have never given up on these two principles..."

Our Founder and Honorary President Tuncay Azaphan was born in 1942 in Bayburt. Azaphan, who served in our army as an Air Petty Officer in Malatya between 1957-1976 years, crowned his success in the business world, where he started after leaving the army, by founding Tunç Holding. Tuncay Azaphan, who has achieved many successes in his professional life in the 53 years he left behind, gave importance to social responsibility areas as well as the business world.

Güngören Tuncay Azaphan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which was opened for education in 1997 and still continues, has had a share in the education of thousands of students.


Tunç Holding was founded in 1970 by our current Honorary President Mr. Tuncay AZAPHAN. As of this year, turned over half a century and celebrated its 53rd anniversary, Tunç Holding has strengthened its place among Türkiye's most rooted fuel brands with its innovative structure and honesty principles.

It serves with fuel stations at three different places in Istanbul. These are Opet Station on Zeytinburnu Kennedy Street, Shell Station in Bakırköy Florya and Shell Stations in Küçükçekmece Sefaköy. With its subsidiaries in the construction and tourism sectors as well as the fuel sector, Tunç Holding continues its steady contribution to the country and city economy with nearly 100 employees.

Tunç Holding continues its activities under the direction of our Chairman of the Board of Directors Dinçer Azaphan in line with the route drawn by our Honorary and Founding Chairman Tuncay Azaphan.

Dinçer Azaphan was born in 1977 in Bayburt. After his education, he stepped into the business world at a young age. He is the Chairman of the Board of Tunç Holding, one of the strongest brands in the fuel and energy sector.

In December 2018, he married with Ms. Müge Dilek, program manager of Beyaz Tv. Tunç Holding, which is managed by Dinçer Bey with an innovative perspective and honesty principle, has provided employment to thousands of people in its subsidiaries and contributed to the country's economy with its added values.

"Tunç Holding's success for more than half a century
 is based on two grounds; Being open to innovations and honesty.
We have never given up on these two principles..."


Our Founder and Honorary President Tuncay Azaphan was born in 1942 in Bayburt. Azaphan, who served in our army as an Air Petty Officer in Malatya between 1957-1976 years, crowned his success in the business world, where he started after leaving the army, by founding Tunç Holding. Tuncay Azaphan, who has achieved many successes in his professional life in the 53 years he left behind, gave importance to social responsibility areas as well as the business world.

Güngören Tuncay Azaphan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which was opened for education in 1997 and still continues, has had a share in the education of thousands of students.